SINTA Accreditation
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Fahima
Fahima: Journal of Educational and Islamic Studies Vol 1 Number 2 July 2022 published with eight articles with the theme of education and Islamic Studies.
The Relevance of Islamic Education and Sufism Values in Suluk Bismillah for Abdi Dalem Padepokan Jabalahad Keraton Surakarta
- PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) Abstract views: 371 times | PDF downloaded: 0 times | Published: 2022-07-03
The Influence of Spiritual Intelligence and Learning Motivation on Student Learning Outcomes of Qur'an Hadith
- PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) Abstract views: 264 times | PDF downloaded: 0 times | Published: 2022-07-03
Ukhuwah Epistemology as a Philosophy of Islamic Thought
- PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) Abstract views: 391 times | PDF downloaded: 0 times | Published: 2022-07-03
Contribution of Teacher Behavior and Learning Methods in Improving Learning Achievement of the Qur'an Hadith
The Influence of Exemplary and Creativity of Akidah Akhlak Teachers' Learning on Student Religious Moderation
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Interest in Learning on Learning Achievement of the Qur'an Hadith
The Effect of Learning Facilities and Learning Motivation on Student Learning Discipline
Influence of Learners' Perceptions of the Benefits of Qur'anic Tadarus and Parents' Attention to Learning Discipline